
wm1 avatar image
wm1 asked florence023 edited

Tokens remain VALID after app uninstall on production (oauth v2)

We're migrating to OAUTH v2 and noticed that we can continue to make successful REST requests after a merchant uninstalls the app using refresh+access tokens from OAUTH2 flow.

We can refresh tokens and call other resources within app-scope.

You guys might want to address this and invalidate/revoke all refresh+access tokens upon app uninstall.

I made a longer post on this with examples but it is in "moderation"...

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florence023 avatar image
florence023 answered florence023 edited

I'm also experiencing an issue where OAuth v2 tokens remain valid even after a user uninstalls the app. This allows continued access to REST resources using refresh and access tokens. It's crucial to invalidate or revoke tokens upon app uninstallation to enhance security. Looking forward to seeing this addressed.

Best regards,

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wm1 avatar image wm1 commented ·

This whole expiring-token implementation seems completely half-assed.

- Documentation is incomplete and ambiguous.

- There is no clear limit on number of active refresh tokens per merchant;

- There is no clear explanation on the oauth flow on device install (is it a webview?)

- There are 3 contradicting responses from Clover on how to deal with long-term device tokens. One says they'll continue to work as is, another says they need to be migrated, and another says that you need to migrate first token, use it for 5 minutes and then get another device token. If that's not a "hacky" approach, I don't know what is.

- This forum is full of spam, unanswered questions and ai-generated nonsense.

How is it that FiServ (or whoever owns Clover now) is letting this happen is beyond me.

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ben-m avatar image ben-m wm1 commented ·

I've had my fair share or communications with both Clover Dev Rel, this forum and FiServ; This forum used to have a software engineer called David Marginian who was knowledgeable and actually looked into things internally for answers when things needed clarification like some of the documentation. I have seen some efforts here but nothing like David once did.

Clover developer relations remains the best way to get your technical questions out -- I've had mixed experiences for the more technical things, but for clarifying documentation they have been useful.


"There is no clear limit on number of active refresh tokens per merchant;"

I've had a talk with Kevin from Clover Dev Rel and he clarified it for me. Just like we have limits for the API rates at different levels, this refresh token limit is specific to merchants for a single app.

This means each merchant, can have 100 active refresh tokens for each app. This means that unless there is more than 100 employees logged in ONE app for ONE merchant, the app should not have any problems. If you have any questions about this, feel free to make a new thread and I'll answer. I don't want to hijack the thread.

Keep in mind Clover Dev Rel is overwhelmed with the amount of emails they are getting. I can only assume the lack of resources is the same way on the forum.

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wm1 avatar image wm1 ben-m commented ·

yes, things used to run a bit smoother 5+ years ago. it's been a while since i actually needed anything and i'm just surprised at the overall state of things. fiserv can certainly afford hiring someone to clean this up and to at least create a more appealing front (getting actual answers is another story)

clover docs were always a bit "off" but like you said - david was a huge help

thanks for the info on refresh tokens. we already implemented a refresh-token-rotation queue which will auto-discard bad refresh tokens (assuming once the limit is reached), but its good to know.

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graysen avatar image
graysen answered

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