
jraymer1028 avatar image
jraymer1028 asked gerdadurganfff answered

New Expiring Tokens - Expiration Times

I am working with the new expiring tokens in the Sandbox for now. It looks like the new tokens expire after 30 minutes. Is that right? I am not hardcoding the expirations but just trying to get an idea of how long they last or how often I should check for tokens that are due to expire.

access token
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lilly45 avatar image lilly45 commented ·

When implementing new expiring tokens, determining the expiration times involves careful consideration of security, usability, and operational needs. Shorter expiration times, typically ranging from minutes to an hour, are often chosen for sensitive operations requiring frequent re-authentication to minimize the risk of fruit roll up ingredients unauthorized access. Medium-term tokens, lasting several hours to a day, balance security with user convenience, allowing longer sessions without compromising security significantly. Longer-lived tokens, spanning days or weeks, may be appropriate for applications where frequent re-authentication is impractical, prioritizing user convenience while managing associated risks.

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jerryturner avatar image jerryturner commented ·
  1. Setting Expiration Times:

    • Configuration: Define expiration times based on the security requirements and the sensitivity of the resources being
    • Balance: Ensure a balance between user convenience and security. Too short an expiration time might inconvenience users, while too long might pose a security risk.
  2. Token Renewal:

    • Access Token Renewal: Use refresh tokens to obtain new access tokens without requiring the user to log in again.
    • Session Management: Implement session timeout and renewal policies to maintain a secure and user-friendly experience.
  3. Handling Expired Tokens:

    • Token Validation: Always validate tokens on the server-side to check if they are expired or invalid.
    • Error Handling: Provide clear error messages and prompts for users to re-authenticate if their tokens are expired.
  4. Token Storage:

    • Secure Storage: Store tokens securely on the client-side, typically in secure cookies or local storage, depending on the application requirements.
    • Transmission Security: Ensure tokens are transmitted over secure channels (e.g., HTTPS) to prevent interception.

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mina12 avatar image
mina12 answered

This forum is amazing and there is a lot of useful content here candy clicker 2. Companies can use this content to further improve the quality of disposable nitrile gloves although they have not received any complaints about them yet. However, there is still room for improvement.

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jcy avatar image
jcy answered

I tested that the access token expires in 24 hours, but I can't find it in the documentation, so I'm not sure whether this length will change in the future.

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wm1 avatar image
wm1 Suspended answered

Production access tokens are 30 minutes (see issued and expires timestamps in screenshot)

Production refresh tokens are 1 year. However if your app makes steady calls to Clover, refresh-token lifespan is effectively 30 minutes because you will get a new refresh token when you call /v2/refresh


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hilarybrown avatar image
hilarybrown answered

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gerdadurganfff avatar image
gerdadurganfff answered

Hey, great question about the expiring Sandbox tokens! Yes, 30 minutes seems to be the standard lifespan I've observed as well. Think of it like a fleeting Omegle chat connection – here and gone before you know it! Seriously, though, checking for token expiration every 25 minutes should give you a comfortable buffer and prevent unexpected interruptions. I'm curious if anyone's found a method to programmatically retrieve the exact expiration time.

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