
becky-insites avatar image
becky-insites asked David Marginian answered

Can you get an access code for all merchants?

Hi, I am creating a web application where the Shop/Merchant owners can log in to view their data, and I'm looking to use OAuth and the Clover API to achieve this. These shop owners don't have their own Clover log in, but the business owner does.

Is my understanding correct that we would need an access code for each merchant in order for them to be able to view their data? In my scenario, where the merchants themselves don't have their own log in, are there any other solutions to this? Can I get an access code for all merchants? Or is the only way for the owner to log into the account and get an access code for each merchant?

Many thanks in advance for your help.

REST APIOAuthMerchantaccess token
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

Your understanding is correct, you must obtain an access token for each merchant. In order to do that you must take each merchant through the OAuth flow.

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