
wm1 avatar image
wm1 asked olivia101 sent

Pre-auth and Closeout


Need some clarity.

On this page :

it states:


For the merchant to be funded, the pre-auth amounts must be captured before closeout.

Then later it states:

If a customer uses a credit card, the transaction may be held for 30 days, depending on the card network's policy.

Does this mean that if there are pending pre-auths, and a merchant performs a close-out at the end of the day, then we will not be able to capture the charges after close-out?

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parquet76 avatar image parquet76 commented ·
No, the language is pretty clear so I am not sure why you are confused.

1) You must capture prior to closeout for the transaction to be included in the daily batch.

2) If you don't capture the transaction may be held for up to 30 days depending on the card network's policy.

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florence023 avatar image florence023 commented ·

Thanks for creating this post it's very helpful to us. hpinstantink

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1 Answer

thomas642daniel avatar image
thomas642daniel answered thomas642daniel edited


The information on the Clover documentation page can indeed be a bit confusing.

I think the statement about credit card transactions being held for up to 30 days refers to the card network’s policy on how long a pre-authorization hold can last. This means that the pre-authorization can remain valid for up to 30 days, but it doesn’t affect the requirement to capture the amount before closeout.

Best regard

LHI Provider Portal

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