
chiragclovercommunity avatar image
chiragclovercommunity asked edwardruiz edited

401 Unauthorized - When login to sandbox account


When I try to login to it gives me 401 Unauthorized. But I can access the developer home. Can you advice?

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edwardruiz avatar image
edwardruiz answered edwardruiz edited

Hello @ basket random, I think you should check if you are using the v1 app code URL for the /v2/token endpoint. Be sure to use the updated v2 auth code URL: https\: //{clover_server}. clover. com/oauth/v2/authorize?client_id={app_id}&redirect_uri=http\://{app_site_URL}

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joelraffa avatar image
joelraffa answered

If you are using an API, make sure you are using the correct API credentials (client ID and secret) for the sandbox environment.geometry dash lite

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