
sdavisde avatar image
sdavisde asked gregory109 edited

Unable to create production developer account

I have tried many times over the past month or so to create a global developer account in production, but have so far been unable.

Upon submitting the "Sign up" form, I receive a validation error informing me "An account already exists for that email. Please check your inbox."

In my inbox, I received an email with the subject line: "Please confirm the email address for your Clover account" which has a button "Confirm your email address".

When I click that button, I am redirected to this webpage

Upon opening the network tab and tracing failing network calls, I see errors on the following network calls:

404 on GET:

500 on GET:

401 on GET:

Can someone please help me create a production developer account? I have had this error occur to more than one email address, and have never been able to create a developer account.

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1 Answer

gregory109 avatar image
gregory109 answered gregory109 edited

Hello, @sdavisde

Let’s troubleshoot this issue step by step:

Existing Account Error:

The error message “An account already exists for that email” suggests that an account might have been created previously with the same email address.

To resolve this, try using the “Forgot my password” option to recover the account information associated with your email address.

Confirmation Email:

When you click the “Confirm your email address” button in the confirmation email, it should verify your account.

However, the redirection to an error page ( Official Website) is unexpected.

Network Errors:

The network errors you’ve observed (404, 500, and 401) indicate issues with specific URLs during the account creation process.

Unfortunately, these are internal Clover URLs, and we don’t have direct control over them.

I hope this info is helpful to you.

Best Regard,
Gregory Chavez

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