
hoangcv avatar image
hoangcv asked florence023 edited

Enabled Closeout, authorization transaction for Sandbox Merchant

I can't closeout and authorization transactions with my account, can you help me enable this feature? Thank.
Merchant ID: RCTSTAVI0010002
The MerchantInfo.SupportsAuths boolean must be set to true.
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1 Answer

florence023 avatar image
florence023 answered florence023 edited

Hello, Socrates GM

To enable the ability to close out and authorize transactions for your account, you need to set the MerchantInfo.SupportsAuths boolean to true. Here’s how you can do it:

Access Merchant Settings: Log in to your merchant account portal.

Locate Merchant Info: Navigate to the section where you can edit your merchant information.

Update SupportsAuths: Find the SupportsAuths setting and change its value to true.

Save Changes: Save your changes to update the settings.

Hope this info will help you.

Best Regard,

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hoangcv avatar image hoangcv commented ·

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