
skiz avatar image
skiz asked parquet76 edited

Single merchant use API calls advice


We're integrating the eCommerce API for our company, which is a single merchant. I've reviewed the documentation and all of the documentation seems to require an OAuth Bearer token for API calls (like a simple charge)

Support told us to create an eCommerce API token to do this, but we can't figure out how to get a bearer token from the eCommerce API token.


1. Is it possible to get a bearer token OR to authenticate API calls like a simple charge via an eCommerce API token?

2. Is an app required for any eCommerce functionality now, even for single merchant usage (this is a private app that no one else should use)?

3. If an app is required, how do we make it private so no one else can use it?

e-commerce api
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parquet76 avatar image parquet76 commented ·

The private key is your access token and can be used for API calls

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