
bste2174 avatar image
bste2174 asked howard commented

v2 auth issues from dashboard

We did the upgrade to the new v2 but when we go from the dashboard it is trying to create an old token.

Do we need to explicitly reach out and tell Clover we are using v2 or does Clover handle it automatically?

auth tokens
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howard avatar image howard commented ·

When upgrading to the new v2 version, it's important to ensure that Clover is aware of the change to avoid issues like attempting to create old tokens from the dashboard. Typically, you should explicitly inform Clover about your upgrade to v2 so they can update their systems accordingly. This ensures that Clover recognizes and handles v2 functionalities correctly, preventing any confusion or errors related to token generation and API interactions. It's advisable to reach out to Clover support or account management to confirm the update and ensure seamless integration with the v2 API.

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