
tier1marketing avatar image
tier1marketing asked pravesh2626 answered

Private App Merchant Authentication

Given that I am creating a custom Clover app for an e-commerce application that is integrated with Clover, it includes a payment gateway integration and inventory sync. We already built it, we've connected it using a sandbox, and works as expected.

Our app will not be public, it is only for one single user / merchant.

I've been told that, since it is a private app, it does not have to go through approval, being that approval can take six weeks or more, I would like to get my app connected to the live merchant account.

On another thread, I got a response that said just to use the "client token", but I cannot find the reference in the documentation for this, I'm kind of lost on what has to be done and by who.

Our client is a large team, and we have access to one of the Admins clover account, but not the owner account.

I know from the documentation that authenticating the app requires the special link{APPID}

Here are my questions,

  1. Can an merchant admin authenticate the app to the merchant account? Or only owners?
  2. Since it's a private app, should I be using the code method or the token method? - see image below
  3. Do I just get the Merchant Tokens from the admin setting area? - see image below


OAuthauth tokens
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parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered parquet76 edited

You should probably provide a bit more information on exactly what APIs you are using. For example, if you are using webhooks, you will need an app. If you are just using e-commerce/rest APIs then you can use a merchant token which can be created in the API tokens and ecommerce API tokens section you have highlighted in the screen shots. I believe that I've been will be able to create these tokens for you. Question 2 does not apply since you won't be obtaining a token via oauth.

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pravesh2626 avatar image
pravesh2626 answered

actually i want to install my app to Marchant account, it that possible to install the app without approved ?

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