
tickettenterprises avatar image
tickettenterprises asked abdulrehmann answered

Few Questions Regarding the new North America OAuth

We have a few integrations that use the Clover API, and have a few questions regrading the new mandatory OAuth being rolled out in North America.
Any help would be much appreciated.

  1. We are currently using the Android Clover SDK to get the AUTH token. We use the following com.clover.sdk.util.CloverAuth.authenticate(mContext, CloverAccount.getAccount(mContext)). Has there been any changes to the way the token works with the SDK?
  2. We have headless applications that use one time token generated from the dashboard.https://{regionURL}/setupapp/m/{Merchant_Id}/api-tokens. Has there been any changes to this?
  3. We have apps are deployed to both EU and US. From our understanding, the new OAuth logic can only be used for app deploy in North America. Is this correct?
OAuthAPI Tokenauth tokens
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1 Answer

abdulrehmann avatar image
abdulrehmann answered

For your Android Clover SDK questions, the new OAuth shouldn't affect how you get tokens (

Headless apps with one-time tokens from the dashboard are also unaffected for now.

And yes, the new OAuth is currently for North America only (

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