
owobotdev avatar image
owobotdev asked haku-d answered

Hosted Checkout Webhook Failures

Ever since May 1st, we have been having issues with webhooks for hosted checkouts. It seems like there is an issue on Clover's side where webhooks sometimes does not reach the client. Looking through the forum, it seems like this is a common occurrence amongst people since May. I can confirm that things worked 99% of the time before May. I have been using this webhook for more than an year.

Is anyone from Clover looking into this issue?

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1 Answer

haku-d avatar image
haku-d answered

I just tested it today and like to confirm the webhook is able to reach my server. The thing is once I received data from clover via webhook endpoint, I tried to make a request to their rest API to get payment information, but nothing return back. It seems the payment is not available at the time I make the request.

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