
heejung avatar image
heejung asked ehabmohsen66 answered

"message": "401 Unauthorized" in OAuth

I got a access_token with ""

but when I make an REST API call with the access token I received, the response comes like


"message": "401 Unauthorized"

and is the access token supposed to be really long?

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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·

also make sure you have the access token and not the authorization code making the calls

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robert2001b avatar image
robert2001b answered

If you’re consistently receiving a “401 Unauthorized” message even after ensuring the access token is correctly included in the header, you might need to check the server logs for more detailed error messages or verify the configuration of your OAuth setup. It’s also a good practice to ensure that the token hasn’t expired and that the scope and permissions granted by the token match the requirements of the API endpoint you’re trying to access.

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amanda2369weaver avatar image
amanda2369weaver answered

Double-check the API endpoint URL and any parameters or headers required by the API. Ensure that you are using the correct HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.) and providing any required request data. Refer to the API documentation provided by the service you are trying to access. Look for specific error code explanations and troubleshooting steps related to the 401 Unauthorized error. The documentation may provide insights into common issues and how to resolve them. If available, use an API sandbox or testing environment provided by the API provider to test your API calls. This allows you to experiment without affecting production data and may offer additional debugging tools or error messages.

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christy2951hernandez avatar image
christy2951hernandez answered

Hello ny state of healthWrote@heejung,

Double-check that the access token you received is correct and hasn't expired.

Ensure that the access token has been granted the necessary scope or permissions to access the specific resource you're trying to access via the REST API.

Make sure that the REST API endpoint you're trying to access is correct and supported by the Clover API.

Confirm that you're using the correct token type (e.g., Bearer token) when making the API call.

Refer to the official Clover API documentation to ensure that you're following the correct authentication and authorization process for accessing the desired API resources.

Implement proper error handling in your code to capture and log any errors returned by the API, including the "401 Unauthorized" error. This can help you troubleshoot and diagnose the issue more effectively.

I hope this will help you.

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ehabmohsen66 avatar image
ehabmohsen66 answered

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