
dmkrebsbach avatar image
dmkrebsbach asked David Marginian edited

Web App Approval Process (stuck on Oauth testing)

I am confused about how the Approval Process for a Web Application works as it seems very circular.

According to the screen shot from the Oauth 2.0 documentation (see attached), a merchant (test merchant) should be able to install the application. This will allow us to test the Oauth routing and redirecting.

However, it would also seem based on other questions on the platform that the Web Application itself needs to be approved by Clover before it can be installed by a merchant, sandbox or otherwise.

But, if you want the Web App approved, it needs to have correct OAuth routing, which there is no way to test in the Sandbox without approval.

Am I missing a step here? Or was this documentation copied/pasted from the Android SDK documentation and not fully updated? Otherwise, I cannot make sense of how we can test OAuth in our Sandbox environment.

@David Marginian, I know you are very quick to respond and seem to be a one man show here. I have emailed a few other Clover reps my questions about this process and am awaiting a response. I know you're usually on the ball, so I'm turning to you for clarification. Thank you for clearing this up for all of us!

@PaulP, do you know anything about this? I see you have helped with approval in the past.

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited


In sandbox there is no concept of publishing an app. Your apps should be automatically “published” in a way that makes them visible to your test merchants but no one else. This should allow you to properly test the OAuth flow.


I don't know much about the approval process. I would expect the app has to be approved for the oauth flow to work but I am not certain. I also don't think approval in prod and sandbox are equivalent. I am unavailable to look into this and get you a more concrete answer until early next week.

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dmkrebsbach avatar image dmkrebsbach commented ·

Got it, thank you David. I appreciate the help.

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