
z-order avatar image
z-order asked z-order answered

How long will it take for the production developer account to be verified and approved?

I submitted my the production developer account more than 10 days ago but I have not heard anything.

My USPROD account was submitted on 04/18/2024 at 4:15 PM under the email

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lunchtimeres avatar image
lunchtimeres answered

The verification and approval process for a production developer account can vary, but typically it takes about 10 to 14 days. Since it's been over 10 days, you might want to check your email's spam/junk folder or contact support directly for an update on your application status. Read More

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z-order avatar image
z-order answered

It has been a month, but no reply whatsoever...

I send out reminder emails to every week, but no reply...

Of course, I checked my spam/junk folder.

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z-order avatar image
z-order answered

Now, it is over 2 months... no response at all from Clover developer team.


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