
dados341 avatar image
dados341 asked mickrobert sent

Online menu update

Clover recently updated the method in which you add and remove items from the online menu. Used to be able to do it from the actual terminal. This was great when we ran out of things my staff was able to quickly login and take things off-line to avoid order issues. We can no longer do this. We have to go back in through the desktop dashboard and remove items. This is a huge inconvenience. I hope they bring back the checkbox so that our staff can do it on the fly fly fly.

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joelraffa avatar image
joelraffa answered

With the new update, we can no longer perform these actions from the terminal. Instead, we have to access the desktop dashboard to remove items from the menu. This process is much more time-consuming and inconvenient, especially during busy times when swift adjustments are crucial.
geometry dash online

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hussy112233 avatar image
hussy112233 answered

How can i update online menu for my site

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thiko avatar image
thiko answered thiko edited

I completely agree—removing the checkbox was a setback. Having to use the desktop dashboard now disrupts workflow, especially when updating Menu Price or item availability. Hopefully, Clover reinstates this feature soon for quicker updates on the fly.

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thowenty avatar image
thowenty answered

new update: fly fly fly with block blast

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