
essg avatar image
essg asked charmaine answered

Charges API only returns 1 month of transactions?

I am using the Get Charges API endpoint but I seem to be unable to get any charges prior to this calendar month... for example today is 4-5-2024 and I can only seem to get charges back to 4-1-2024. Yet when I am logged in to the Clover website I can see "Payments" under transactions that go back to the beginning of our account.

What am I missing ?

I have tried the follow where XXXX is the oldest ID in my dataset and the timestamp matches the created timestamp of my oldest order that I see on 4-1-2024. However it returns nothing older than this.[lt]=1711989471000&ending_before=XXXXXXXXXXX
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1 Answer

charmaine avatar image
charmaine answered

I recommend reviewing the 1v1 lol API documentation or reaching out to the API provider for further assistance in resolving this issue.

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