
gajender avatar image
gajender asked bryanvargas commented

Payment Api Unauthrized

I am using the Clover REST API for reading and writing inventory, creating orders, and processing payments. I've generated a token using 2.0 authentication with all permissions, including payment processing. The token is successfully working for all APIs, including reading and writing inventory, as well as creating orders. However, when attempting to process payments via the payment API, I'm encountering a 401 Unauthorized error. The endpoint I'm trying to access is:{MerchantId}/orders/{OrderId}/payments"

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rosefletcher avatar image rosefletcher commented ·

If you are receiving a 401 Unauthorized error when attempting to process payments via the Clover REST API, there are a few potential reasons for this issue. Here are some troubleshooting steps you can verify the endpoint and request format: Double-check the endpoint URL you are using to access the payment API. In your case, the correct endpoint should be:{MerchantId}/orders/{OrderId}/payments. Make sure you replace {MerchantId} and {OrderId} with the actual values.

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corenegreen avatar image corenegreen commented ·
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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·

if you made edits to permissions after the app was downloaded the permissions are not sync and you will have to generate a new OAuth token (uninstall/ reinstall)

Here are more troubleshooting steps for 401

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