We are trying to create a token from the card via the Rest Pay API and use it later to pay for the subscription.
Creating a token seems to work.
{ 'tokenType' : 'ECOMM_COMPAT', "cardEntryMethods" : ["EMV", "NFC", "MANUAL", "MAG_STRIPE"], "suppressConfirmation": false, }
In response, we receive a Card Token.
After hitting with token on: /v1/customers
{ 'ecomind' => "ecom", 'email' => 'mail@mail.com 'firstName' => 'firstname' 'lastName' => 'lastname' 'name' => 'firstname lastname' 'source' => 'clv_xxxx' }
I get the following error:
Token created via NFC, EMV, MAGSTRIPE
{"message":"402 Payment Required","error":{"type":"card_error","code":"card_declined","message":"Token verification failed for token clv_xxxx"}}
After using the "Entry manualy card" option on Clover device.
I can process the payment and I don't get an error.
But why doesn't payment card tokens work after I submit it to the payment gateway?
Do I need to collect CVV, expiration date and card address to be able to pay with a token?
Or Is it enough to create a token using the Clover Flex device (contactless)?