
mrafaybeyondvision avatar image
mrafaybeyondvision asked geopme answered

Payment API' + merchantId + '/payments

When attempting to access the Payment API via an HTTP request, I'm encountering an issue where the response does not include the card details or the last four digits of the card. Could you please assist me in resolving this?

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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered

please expand on cardTransactions and it will show the details:

{ {baseUrl}}/v3/merchants/{ {merchantId}}/payments?expand=cardTransaction

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geopme avatar image
geopme answered

It sounds like you’re encountering an issue with the Payment API not returning the expected card details or the last four digits. Typically, payment APIs will mask sensitive card information for security reasons, which is why you may not see the full card number or the last four digits in the response.

Here are a few steps you can try to resolve this issue:

  1. Check the API documentation: Make sure that the API you're using allows access to the last four digits of the card and that you're making the correct request.
  2. Verify Permissions: Ensure that your API keys and permissions allow you to access sensitive data like the card's last four digits.
  3. Check Response Object: Sometimes, the details you’re looking for may be nested in the response, so inspect the entire response structure to see if the card details are located elsewhere.
  4. Contact API Support: If you’re still encountering issues, reaching out to the API's support team can provide clarity on why certain details are not being returned.

For smooth and secure payment processing in your projects, you might also want to explore solutions like, which provides comprehensive payment tools for a variety of transaction needs.

Let me know if you need further assistance!

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