While printing a static payment print job, I can't get the payment or tenders to show.
Below the "Total" of the receipt I get "NULL SALE"
I'm getting the order from Rest API, converting it to an Order object then passing it to the Print Job.
I've expanded lineItems, customers, payments, credits, refunds, serviceCharge, discounts but no luck.
How can I resolve this?
Thanks for your support.
String orderURI = authResult.baseUrl + uri + "/orders/" + new JSONObject(root2.get("order").toString()).get("id") + "?&expand=lineItems%2Ccustomers%2Cpayments%2Ccredits%2Crefunds%2CservicesCharge%2Cdiscounts%2Ccards%2Cmodifiers%2CcardTransactions%2Ctenders%2CorderTypes&access_token=" + authResult.authToken;
String orderResult = httpClient.get(orderURI);
JSONTokener jsonTokener3 = new JSONTokener(orderResult);
Order order = (JSONObject)jsonTokener3.nextValue();
//PrintJob pj = new BillPrintJob.Builder().orderId(useOrder.getId()).build(); //PrintJob pj = new PaymentPrintJob.Builder().paymentId(payID).build(); //StaticPaymentPrintJob pj = new StaticPaymentPrintJob.Builder().paymentId(payID).build(); PrintJob pj = new StaticPaymentPrintJob.Builder().order(order).build(); //pj.print(ServiceHead.this, account);