
aayesha avatar image
aayesha asked rnbteawalnut sent

Calling the print_events API but orders aren't being printed

I am currently creating custom orders using the REST API, and I am also using labels to tag the items. I am now calling the print_events API, but the event status does not change from 'created' and the orders are not printed. Additionally, will custom order modifiers be printed?

Do I need any app to connect with the Clover device, or is there any other issue?

OrdersREST APIPrint
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1 Answer

bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered aayesha commented

Clover doesn't support printing orders with custom modifiers. Please add the modifier to the inventory and assign it to the inventory item.

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aayesha avatar image aayesha commented ·

Yes, I already added the modifiers to inventory and created custom orders, but once again, the orders are not printing after sending the print_event API request, and the event status remains 'created'.

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parquet76 avatar image parquet76 aayesha commented ·
Create a very simple order (no modifiers etc.) and try to print that. Are you doing this in sandbox with a devkit or live in a production environment?
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aayesha avatar image aayesha parquet76 commented ·

Yes, I've tried sending the orders without any modifiers in custom orders, but they still aren't printing. I'm doing this in a live production environment.

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