
boring-ghosts avatar image
boring-ghosts asked pmani2024 answered

Will the Clover CAS scale cable ever restock? CBL-SW20-158101

Hi, this cable is sold out online everywhere. It seems this is a custom cable / chip specifically for Clover.

Will it be restocked at any point? Or will Clover update their scale integration to be compatible with a more common FTDI or Prolific USB to serial cable? Thank you.


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susanglaze avatar image
susanglaze answered susanglaze edited

@geometry dash lite Unfortunately, I don’t have real-time information on restocks or Clover’s future plans for cable compatibility.

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pmani2024 avatar image
pmani2024 answered

This is insane on how they have used special chip on the cable and that’s not available in the market. Clover never has that in stock and that forces the user to buy the new scale. It sounds like just $400-$500 for the weighing machine but clover claims to have 140,000 businesses using clover retail system and what a great business model to force businesses to buy the weighing machine instead of a cable. It’s like your iphone charger is broken and Apple saying you have to go buy a new iPhone because we don’t sell chargers. This is really frustrating for small retail business that rely on these big corporations for technology.

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