
Derek Ward avatar image
Derek Ward asked FlipperZeroUnleashed answered

What does the "CREDITED" paymentState mean?

I would like to use the paymentState to determine whether an order is open or complete but I cannot find an explanation of the different paymentState values. Specifically, I would like to know what the "CREDITED" state means.

I also see that this field previously had some issues. (

Have these issues been resolved and is this field reliable and alway present on an order response?

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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered

an order refunded using Refunds app or Manual Transaction App will have the order status as 'CREDITED'/'Manually Refunded'. I see the ticket we had was status as fixed. I would recommend running some test orders, paying them out, refunding them and see the different states.

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beckham86 avatar image
beckham86 answered

The "CREDITED" paymentState typically means a payment was refunded or partially credited back to the customer. While past issues existed, it's advisable to verify Escape Road City recent API documentation for reliability.

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FlipperZeroUnleashed avatar image
FlipperZeroUnleashed answered

The "CREDITED" paymentState typically means that a payment has been successfully processed and the funds have been added or credited to the account or service in question. This can refer to a payment that was made and has been acknowledged, with the balance being updated to reflect that the transaction has been completed successfully. If you have further questions, feel free to check out FlipperZeroUnleashed for more details.

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