
ag580108 avatar image
ag580108 asked rearted answered

Doordash Error

We finally signed up for Doordash, we have an integration with our Clover. The issue is that orders are being place from Doordash but are getting cancelled due to the following error that one kind lady provided us from Doordash. Anyone seen this before or know of a fix? I've been dealing with Doordash and Clover back and forth for 3 weeks now. I have a CLOVER CASE# MI-002082712


Orders are appearing on our Clover POS

error.png (100.9 KiB)
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ag580108 avatar image
ag580108 answered ag580108 published

Here is the response I got from Doodah regarding my issue.

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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered

You will have to contact Clover Support and have them escalate to Tier2 to review the tender ID and see if it is the same for your door dash account. The message is saying the tender provided for door dash orders is incorrect

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nictalite avatar image
nictalite answered

DoorDash is not open for delivery at the drift hunters requested pickup time!

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rearted avatar image
rearted answered

Look for common errors in the integration process, such as incorrect account details, menu mismatches, or communication issues between the systems house of hazards

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