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Sukhbir Singh asked Sukhbir Singh commented

How can we hide debit cart option from payment screen (Screenshot attached)?

Hi @Chanel @justin.a @keithryanwong @Jeffrey Blattman @zgreathouse

Is any function available in Clover android SDK or payment connector to hide debit card option? We have almost checked the SDK and payment connector and not found anyway.

Also, can you confirm the working of Pin Entry option which is available in Setup application (Setup -> Payments -> PIN Entry). I can see two option in it
  1. Do not prompt for PIN
  2. Prompt for PIN.
I can see that when we saved "Do not prompt for PIN" option then during payment the card option screen and pin screen are hiding if I am correct then can you suggest a way to select this option programmatically?

Also warm welcome for other options or suggestions to hide the debit card option.

cardoption.png (38.3 KiB)
10 |2000

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