
slear avatar image
slear asked lipsarana edited

Does Clover integrate with Altru by blackbaud?

Currently a merchant is using Altru by Blackbaud software and they want to know that if they get Clover systems, if they will integrate the two together. Can you please share some insight on if that is possible.

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1 Answer

pos-1 avatar image
pos-1 answered

Hi Slear, we developed a Clover app that integrates with various ticketing solutions such as Tessitura and Spektrix. We would love to integrate with Blackbaud Altru as well, that's the next one on our list. Please email us an more information about how the merchant wants the Clover/Altru integration to work and we'll get it done exactly how they want it. Our email address is

Thank you,
The SalesVu Clover Support Team

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