When we inject tips as service charge using the new atomic order endpoint then we can’t see them applied as tips.
order details
Merchant ID used for testing: J3S6QHFGGV2G1
Order ID (on Clover side): HX56G4H7MTF9A
Order (on Clover side): https://sandbox.dev.clover.com/orders/m/J3S6QHFGGV2G1/orders/HX56G4H7MTF9A/
Today it is injected as a service charge in the payment
But is not visible on the receipt nor in the POS Orders module.
Expected behavior:
When we send a tip amount for an order
The correct tip amount is displayed as a “Tip” on:
The Order summary in the Clover POS station
The printed receipt (and digital receipt)
The web portal
The “Tip” app in the Clover POS