
earriola2 avatar image
earriola2 asked lisalm edited

Item Sales not recognizing category changes when the date range is larger than 14 days.

When we have items on draft we add them to the "Drafts" category. We have several pour amounts 5, 10, 16, 32, 64oz. 32 and 64 oz are considered Growlers. When a keg kicks we change the category of "Drafts" for 5, 10, and 16oz to "Previous Drafts" and 32 and 64 oz to "Previous Growler Fills". The reason we do this is because these items are taxed at different rates.

The problem: When I look at the 'Item Sales' with the date range of Last Month" the reporting does not recognize the category changes but if I choose a custom date range that's within a two-week (e.g 7/01 to 7/14, 7/15 to 7/28, 7/28 - end of the month) time frame the report shows the current categories.

In short Clover reporting will not recognize a change in category if the date range is larger than a two-week time period.

screen-shot-2023-08-07-at-120706-pm.png screen-shot-2023-08-07-at-121107-pm.png

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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·

Are you a Clover merchant? Are you using a specific app? This forum is for developers that build apps on our platform to get development assistance. If you are a Clover merchant you should contact Clover support for assistance.

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earriola2 avatar image earriola2 bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·
Yes, I am a Clover merchant. I am not using a specific app. I'm using Clover's native inventory function. I tried calling Clover support but they were no help.
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1 Answer

ellengeary avatar image
ellengeary answered ellengeary published

I’m going through the same issue. I had a list of uncategorized items in my retail store that were added in the store as inventory when we received them but never categorized…because you can’t create new categories on the POS only in the complete dashboard. I got in the habit of doing it quarterly. Now my item sales report is a long list of “uncategorized” items. Even though I spent the time to categorize them…it won’t update the report. Very frustrated!

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