
amalik avatar image
amalik asked Mark Mullan Deactivated answered

Clover Go - Multiple Questions related to Taxes and Variable Price Product & Credit Card Payments

  1. Can we use variable pricing for a product in clover app? I can see we can create a product with variable pricing in portal but it’s not visible in the app?
  2. Can we apply multiple taxes on a custom product at the time of sale?
  3. How can we pull payment information through API for Credit Card transactions. I can see Payments API which only returns amount and few other fields. I need last 4 of a card with authorization code.
InventoryClover GoTaxes
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1 Answer

Mark Mullan avatar image
Mark Mullan Deactivated answered
Hi @amalik,

I'm forwarding your first two questions to the Clover Go team.

re: #3, you'll need to make a request to our Payments endpoint and expand the cardTransaction object, e.g.


Additional information about our REST API

Hope this helps,
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