
robcb1 avatar image
robcb1 asked parquet76 answered

Validate Hosted Checkout Webhook Signature


Please guide me to the proper way to validate the Clover Signature from the webhook.

I am referencing docs found here:

For step 2, what 'second string' does the documentation refer to?

I'm using node.js, and this is what I am doing so far:

const crypto = require("crypto");
const payload = JSON.parse(event.body);

  const cloverHeader = event.multiValueHeaders["Clover-Signature"][0];
  console.log("cloverHeader: ", cloverHeader);

  const cloverTimestamp = cloverHeader.split(",")[0];
  const v1 = cloverHeader.split(",")[1];
  const cloverTimestampValue = cloverTimestamp.split("=")[1];
  const v1Value = v1.split("=")[1];
  const appendedValue = `${cloverTimestampValue}.${payload}`;

  const hmac = crypto.createHmac("sha256", CLOVER_WEBHOOK_KEY);
  const dta = hmac.update(appendedValue);
  const hashed2 = dta.digest("base64");
  console.log("hashed2: ", hashed2);
  console.log("cloverTimestampValue: ", cloverTimestampValue);
  console.log("v1Value: ", v1Value);

My problem is that my hashed value is not the same as the value from the Clover Signature (v1). I must be combining the wrong values.

Your guidance is greatly appreciated.


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1 Answer

parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered

Why are you base64 encoding the hash? There is nothing in the Clover docs that I can see that indicates that you should be.

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