
abhishekp3 avatar image
abhishekp3 asked deviljinnly sent

How to get notified on void transaction is completed?

I am trying to find the callbacks and broadcast receiver which notified to our app when void transaction is completed from clover. I am getting the response for refund transaction from OrderV31Connector.OnOrderUpdateListener2 but am unable to track the void transaction's callback. so, we can update to our server that transaction is voided.

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1 Answer

jonahchase avatar image
jonahchase answered bryanvargas edited

To receive notifications when a void transaction is completed from Clover, you can use the OrderV31Connector.OnOrderUpdateListener2 interface, similar to how you handle refund transactions. However, it's important to note that voided transactions may not trigger a specific callback or broadcast receiver event on their own. Instead, you can detect a voided transaction by monitoring the overall order updates and checking the status of individual line items.

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