
dev11 avatar image
dev11 asked bryanvargas commented

Export API 403 error


I'm using the Export API to get the merchant's history of payments but get 403 Error: You do not have the required permissions to create this export.

The app already has the following permissions: Customers Read, Merchant Read, Inventory Read, Orders Read and Payments Read. What are the other permissions are required?

For troubleshooting, I re-installed the app on merchant account and generated new token through the OAuth flow but the issue persists.

The Export API works fine on sandbox with the above permissions.

App ID: 73MP7ZT17W8J2

REST APIOAuthaccess token
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1 Answer

bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered bryanvargas commented

You will have to get special permission from Clover Developer Relations outlined in this doc:

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