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pablo88 asked pablo88 published

Local Connection - REST Pay Display SSL Error "unable to get local issuer certificate" using Postman

Hi Team,

I am using sandbox environment with the Clover Flex DevKit and trying to perform requests to the Rest Pay Display through Postman using HTTPs protocol with the Development Certificate, but I am receiving the SSL Error "unable to get local issuer certificate" as follows:


I followed the steps defined in the Clover Documentation for a local connection, including the Sandbox/development device server certificate installation on my Windows 10 device (installed certificate is shown in the above screenshot) but the error persists.

Here is the REST Pay Display configuration:

In the first image, one thing that I realised is that in "Registered Source Descriptors" is not present the "View Certificate Details" element, in order to check it.

On the other hand, if I use HTTP protocol the request is performed successfully:


Is there any step to do missing to make this local connection work?

Is REST Pay Display app deprecated for HTTPs and need to use Network Pay Display app instead with WSS protocol?



REST APIClover FlexSandbox
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