
tophsv avatar image
tophsv asked cherry commented

Simple Trigger Upon Payment To Send Data To Webhook

We manage an application for a company that uses Clover to process payments in the field for service jobs. They would like to send that payment/order data to us so that we can bring it into the application we manage and connect the payment details to the actual job record.

We have searched high and low and tried to figure out everything we can, but despite the incredibly simple use case, we've had no luck at all figuring it out.

Again, we are literally just trying to use the cc payment as the trigger to send the order/payment details to our webhook. If anyone has any advice at all, it would be greatly appreciated!

REST APIAPI TokenWebhooks
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tophsv avatar image tophsv commented ·

We have the API Key and the Merchant ID for the client, but we just get 401 errors when we try to use them in an API request. We have double, triple checked everything over and over and tried everything we could possibly think of.

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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·

If you configured your webhook properly and enabled payments and orders notifications, you should get the webhooks for payments and orders.

Our different webhooks can be found here:

If you are facing 401 errors you might need to troubleshoot a little from these common errors:

If you are still unsure, please email with your developer UUID, accessToken, environment, and the merchant you are testing with.

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cherry avatar image cherry commented ·

You can use Clover’s Webhooks API to trigger a data send whenever a payment is made. Simply set up a webhook for payments.create or orders.update, link it to your application’s endpoint, and ensure your system processes the incoming JSON payload. Don’t forget to validate Clover’s signature for security! This should seamlessly connect payment data to your job records.

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