
sm9 avatar image
sm9 asked legrand sent

If order is sent to Clover POS via Clover API, but payment is settled outside Clover, what's the charge per transaction?

Sqaure provides an option where if the orders are placed via API, and payments settled outside Square, then it is only 1% fee per transaction.

1. Does Clover do the same?

2. If not, what's the fee for such transactions?



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1 Answer

bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered sm9 commented

Based off our Developer Agreement(, you are not allowed to process outside of Clover. Merchant transactions fees are based on their account and they should consult with Merchant Services about their processing/interchange fee per transaction.

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sm9 avatar image sm9 commented ·
So, Clover doesn't provide a way to just place order via Clover API and complete payments outside clover system?
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sm9 avatar image sm9 commented ·

"Merchant transactions fees are based on their account and they should consult with Merchant Services about their processing/interchange fee per transaction." - I don't quite get about this point. Could you please explain with an example?

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