
dursk avatar image
dursk asked monmarte commented

How to bulk install app for all Merchants under a single Clover Account

We have a private app we've developed and launched for one of our customers. Their Clover setup has > 50 merchants under a single account, and we need the app installed for all Merchants. Is there any way they can install the app for all Merchants at once, rather than go through the same process 50 times?

App MarketMerchant
10 |2000

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1 Answer

bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered monmarte commented

I would recommend emailing to see how they can help you

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10 |2000

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monmarte avatar image monmarte commented ·

I have an error of the order that cannot be printed but still has not been supported and the letter I send without receiving any feedback Tunnel Rush. Do you have any other methods to contact the support.

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