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wpembraced asked pashakorobok answered

Captcha for iframed ecommerce API

I am using the Clover woocommerce plugin in WordPress. Which captcha (or re-captcha) method is recommended to protect the embedded clover payment iframe? Does Google reCaptcha work with this type of setup?

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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·
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1 Answer

pashakorobok avatar image
pashakorobok answered

I never understood why websites use captcha, because it is so annoying. But later I learned that it is a way to protect against bots that can overload the system, place fake orders or steal data. Yes, for us, regular users, it is inconvenient, but this is how websites ensure security and stable operation. As a result, thanks to captcha, we can safely make purchases without worrying about our data. So if you want to place an order through contact temu , then do not be indignant at the captcha.

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