
dpwand avatar image
dpwand asked jefflawson1 edited

app approval


Wondering what the timeline is for current app approval. Been waiting for a few months and have been unable to contact anyone on the clover team.

Help appreciated.


app approvals
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Richelle Herrli avatar image Richelle Herrli ♦♦ commented ·
May I have the production UUID of your app?
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dpwand avatar image dpwand Richelle Herrli ♦♦ commented ·


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ericmelgaard avatar image ericmelgaard Richelle Herrli ♦♦ commented ·

Just to be clear.

  • This app is private
  • This app is no charge
  • This app has no UI elements
  • This app was built for a specific customer

The app supports sending order events to an outdoor order confirmation display and has no UI elements.

This would be most easily compared to a Delphi or Accuview product.

The customer is very curious on any progress or blocking issues.

Thank you,

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deros avatar image
deros answered

Did you ever "actually" get an response here? I find this entire process maddening... Waiting for weeks, no response, no feedback, not clear direction

10 |2000

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joegagne avatar image
joegagne answered

You got me interested

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jefflawson1 avatar image
jefflawson1 answered jefflawson1 edited

For app approval timelines and status, please contact Clover support directly. Delays of a few months are unusual and should be addressed. agencia de marketing madrid

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