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Tender name not displaying after installed APK in production clover device but its displaying in Sandbox devices how ?

Hi Team,

We are facing an issue that the production APK installed devices not showing our tender name in the "Tender Accepted" page. But we are surprised that the same APK version working in Sandbox devices and showing its tender name. We would like to know why the tender is not displaying for production devices alone.

Even I have handled the tender initialization properly using the custom tender latest codes provided in git.

I need my project tender name should be listed in this page of the installed device (Attached the image below )

Due to my missing tender I cannot able to see my custom tender icon in Sale / Register etc

Please clear me if anyone face this exact scenario like how the APK build working and displaying the tender name in sandbox devices but not displaying tender name in Production devices

Note : We have reached clover support via email. But not getting proper inputs from them. It will be very helpful if anyone assist me to overcome from this issue


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