How to calculate the percentageDecimal in serviceCharge when the percentage number is less of 1%.
I would like to apply a service charge of 208.00 that it is equals 0.527634877% to an order with
subtotal 41496.00 amount.
Subtotal Order Amount: 41496.00
Subtotal Order Amount (Applied discounts): 39421.20
Total Charge to Apply: (208.00 * 100 / 39421.20) = 0.527634877%
Regarding with documentation, is required to charge 10,000 times the percentage:(
Percentage Decimal : (0.527634877 x 10,000) = 5276.34877
In the receipt is displaying wrong number 207.99 instead 208.00.
The percentageDecimal field is Integer, that is the reason is taking the number 5276.
How is way to calculate the right percentage.