
Al avatar image
Al asked usaallsm5445 sent

Cash Discount

We have implemented the Cash Discount feature, but Clover shows as Tip. How can we customize the printed text to something like Service fee etc?

Clover Flex
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l-thomasson avatar image
l-thomasson answered

Which Cash Discount app are you using please?

As far as I know Clover does not have a native Cash Discount App available (one we developed internally) so the problem is likely to be stemming from the app itself. The best resolution would likely come from the developer of the app and if there is a bug that is occurring, they would be able to address it and troubleshoot it.

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Al avatar image
Al answered David Marginian Deactivated commented

This is our own Cleantie App, developed using Clover API for Cash discount. The app is called Cleantie

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
You will need to provide some details if you would like assistance. What are the exact apis you are using? Do you have an example order id that exhibits the problem? Where are you seeing the problem and what is the problem? Can you provide a screenshot of the problem?
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Al avatar image
Al answered David Marginian Deactivated commented

we use the Rest Pay Display API to send commands to the flex. I don't see any option to customize the text.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
Sorry, I requested details.  What are the exact apis you are using? Do you have an example order id that exhibits the problem? Where are you seeing the problem and what is the problem? Can you provide a screenshot of the problem?
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christinewarren avatar image
christinewarren answered

To customize the printed text for the Cash Discount feature on your Clover device, you can follow these steps:

Access your Clover device's settings: From the home screen, tap on the "Settings" app.

Navigate to the Payment settings: In the Settings menu, look for the "Payments" option and tap on it.

Edit the Cash Discount settings: Within the Payments settings, you should find an option related to the Cash Discount feature. It may be labeled as "Cash Discount" or "Service Fee." Tap on this option to access its settings. blossom word game

Customize the printed text: Look for an option that allows you to edit the text that appears on the printed receipts. This option may be labeled as "Receipt Text," "Printed Text," or something similar. Tap on it to modify the text.

Enter your desired text: In the text editing field, enter the new label or description you want to appear on the printed receipts instead of "Tip" (e.g., "Service Fee," "Cash Discount," etc.).

Save the changes: Once you have entered the desired text, save the changes by tapping on the appropriate button or icon, typically labeled as "Save," "Apply," or something similar.

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