
jkuhn avatar image
jkuhn asked David Marginian answered

Autoprint Orders placed by API

Our application makes web service API calls to the v3 endpoints to create an Order with all line items and then performs a Pay operation on it. We see the order in Clover when logging into the clover website. However, we are trying to have this order automatically print to any clover-connected receipt printer. This way it behaves in the same fashion as if an employee keyed in the order into the POS system. Since the clover system is web-based, will the order automatically flow down to the clover devices and if so, how to get it to automatically print to the clover receipt printer? Are there certain clover devices that we need to recommend that will automatically do this such as the Clover Mini or Clover Flex? Is there a setting that needs made so that these devices are always looking for new orders in the cloud and pulling them in so they can be automatically printed? Thanks

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

Unfortunately, currently, the only way to do this is for you to develop an Android application that runs on the Clover device. And there are quite a few things to be aware if you go this route. We are working on exposing the print APIs that Clover Online Ordering uses but it is going to be some time before we are able to do so.

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jkuhn avatar image
jkuhn answered David Marginian commented

Hello, is there any new development done by Clover to either allow the merchant to configure an Autoprint for new orders coming in from the web or exposing print API's as per your previous comment? We have clients going to other POS systems due to the fact the orders going into their system via API's are able to auto-print in the same fashion as walk-up orders that are manually keyed into the POS. They are afraid to use us with Clover because if they don't auto-print, they will miss these orders and customers will show up to pickup their food and they won't even know the order was placed... especially during their busy times. Any new options available?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Yes, we recently released a new print_even API, more information here -

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered
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