
gokulselvan avatar image
gokulselvan asked David Marginian Deactivated commented

Add notes to orders

Hello guys,

I am looking for adding notes to the order that were created by ecommerce order api. but I can't find any.

Is it possible to add notes to order using Ecommerce API, or what api have to use to achieve this ?

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered gokulselvan commented

An order is an order, if you created it via our EComm API you can use the order update endpoint ( to add a note. However, I would recommend that you not use the EComm endpoint and use the atomic order endpoints discussed here -

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gokulselvan avatar image gokulselvan commented ·
Hi David,

When updating the ecommerce api order with notes will update the notes in clover but couldn't able to see in receipt print.
But when creating atomic order with notes will print notes in receipt.

Is this expected? Why can i see notes in e commerce api receipt?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ gokulselvan commented ·
I think you are confusing a payment receipt (does not show notes) with an order receipt
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gokulselvan avatar image
gokulselvan answered

Hi David,

thanks, will check

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gokulselvan avatar image
gokulselvan answered David Marginian Deactivated commented

Yeah. - is this order receipt or payment receipt?

Please tell me the diff between payment receipt and order receipt.

What kind of receipt is printed on clover device?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Both receipts can print on the device. The order receipt will print on the configured order and is generally for the kitchen so they can prepare the order.

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