
greg-datasym avatar image
greg-datasym asked David Marginian commented

Printing a receipt from the POS printer


We have a semi integration already done using Clover Connector on .NET. A customer has asked if we can print the receipt on the POS printer and not the Clover mini.

As far as I can see all the data for the receipt is in the PaymentResponse except the MID.

So my questions are,

Is the (masked) MID required to be printed on the receipt?

If so is there some way to get this from Clover or would we have to store it in our app?

Does the printing of these receipts require further validation of the integration by Clover?


Remote Pay Windows
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

I think the quick answer is, if you are printing your own receipt you need to research what is and what is not required to be displayed on the receipt. If the MID is required, you can obtain it via our REST API ( I don't think we require any more validation on our end if you go this route, but, you should contact developer relations for an official answer.

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greg-datasym avatar image greg-datasym commented ·

Thanks, I will make enquiries on what's required (presumably from the acquiring bank?)

I've had a look at the Merchants API, I don't think this would work as it requires the MID in the query string but we would be trying to find the MID for a transaction.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ greg-datasym commented ·
The MID and the Clover merchant id are not the same thing. Our endpoints require the Clover merchant id in the path, not the MID.
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greg-datasym avatar image greg-datasym David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
Thanks, makes sense now
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