
ismdcf avatar image
ismdcf asked David Marginian Deactivated answered

ACTION_SECURE_PAY on Clover Duo - Stuck on Loading Screen Forever After Payment

We are invoking ACTION_SECURE_PAY in our application, which runs on a Clover Duo.


However, after the payment is successful, the Mini device which takes the payment is not resetting back to its Welcome Screen (with the business logo, etc), but it's stuck on a loading animation (screenshot below) forever.


How can this be resolved? Is there any reset method to be invoked?

1648021942037.png (258.9 KiB)
1648022124398.png (78.0 KiB)
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ismdcf avatar image ismdcf commented ·
Any update on this?
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered

The answer I got from the team, which I understand isn't ideal is, use Payment Connector.

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