I need to create an empty atomic order using the REST API, but every time I try it tells me "Online order cart is empty or missing". Yet in the documentation the only field it says is required is the merchant Id. Is this possible?
I need to create an empty atomic order using the REST API, but every time I try it tells me "Online order cart is empty or missing". Yet in the documentation the only field it says is required is the merchant Id. Is this possible?
The documentation is a bit misleading. Why would you need to obtain an empty order? If you need to create an empty order (for whatever reason) then you would need to use a different API - please see our docs here - https://docs.clover.com/docs/creating-custom-orders.
Do you need to create the order shell in Clover? It isn't clear where the employees are going to be manually entering the line items (on the device, or via your integration/Clover REST API). If via your app you can create a pseudo order shell on your end and then use the checkouts API as the order is built (storing the state of the order as it is in progress on your end only). Then once that is complete, you could submit the order.
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