
ntouchmkt avatar image
ntouchmkt asked David Marginian commented

Market Place App Rejected

After over 2 months of waiting, our app was rejected. Only problem is that they did not tell us anything as to why the app was rejected. Anyone run into this, we need to find out why so that we can fix the issue and resubmit our app.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

Please contact the person in developer relations that you have been working with or

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ntouchmkt avatar image
ntouchmkt answered

Thank you for responding. We have not been working with anyone. We submitted the ticket and hear nothing for two months before receiving the rejection. I have emailed that address multiple times with no response.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

We sent you three separate email responses yesterday (to the same address you used to register on this site) with details on why your app was rejected. Please check your inbox, if you don't see the emails please make sure you check your spam folder.

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ntouchmkt avatar image
ntouchmkt answered David Marginian commented

I thank you David for all of your help. Unfortunately none of the emails have come through. I have checked in all folders and even on our server. Would it be possible to have them resent.

10 |2000

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

We have resent the emails.

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ntouchmkt avatar image ntouchmkt David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
Thank you for everything. Unfortunately we are still not seeing them. We use Microsoft Exchange and have checked spam, junk, McAfee and nothing. I have tried to login into my account and change the email to see if that would help, but it will not allow me to change the technical email. Any other suggestions?
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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ ntouchmkt commented ·

I will let developer relations know, I haven't heard of us having this problem, and we send out a lot of emails. Unfortunately, it is probably being blocked on your end and we can't troubleshoot your email.

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