
twinmind avatar image
twinmind asked seocanavari commented

Test Credit Card Works to Pay on Production

Our application has been deployed on production and during testing our app web checkout on prod with our prod merchant account we found that we can pay with test visa card (for example, 4242 4242 4242 4242) to create real orders. We're using e-commerce endpoint to create order and to pay for it, and we use to get token for hosted iframe. I also confirmed that production sdk is used on frontend. I can also see that order is being created in our merchant's account, attached screenshot with payment details as I see it in admin dashboard.

Screenshot 2021-12-18 225952.png

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered twinmind edited

I assume this is either a test or demo production account, in which case your merchant is blackholed - hitting a mock gateway that accepts all transactions..

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twinmind avatar image twinmind commented ·

What should be done to make it a real production account? Our application has been approved on December 8th, 2021. In our developer dashboard the app is in Published status.
Screenshot 2021-12-19 112841.png

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered seocanavari commented

I am not certain what you are trying to accomplish but this has nothing to do with the status of your app or developer account. In order to process real credit cards you need to be a Clover merchant.

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twinmind avatar image twinmind commented ·
We are basically trying to make sure prod checkout works by making an order for our app prod merchant. Is my understanding correct that test credit card works only because our prod merchant is considered to be not a real Clover merchant? Is there any documentation on "blackholed" merchant?
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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ twinmind commented ·

Yes, your understanding is correct, test credit cards do not work when hitting the real gateway. I am not sure what documentation you are looking for. All payments will be approved when blackholed.

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seocanavari avatar image seocanavari commented ·

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Saç dökülmesinin üstesinden gelmek ve daha sağlıklı, doğal görünümlü saçlara sahip olmanıza yardımcı olmak için en son teknoloji ve uzman kadromuzla hizmet veriyoruz. Türkiye’nin önde gelen saç ekimi kliniklerinden biri olarak, size en etkili ve kalıcı sonuçları sunmayı amaçlıyoruz.

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fortuneriches avatar image
fortuneriches answered fortuneriches edited

No matter how many times I open the door, I still don't see any candy in Five Nights at Freddy's.

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