
brunopalozzi avatar image
brunopalozzi asked David Marginian commented

How to move a hosted iframe from sandbox to production?

We have created a developer account and have been able to successfully process test transactions in the sandbox environment using a hosted iframe?

We are now ready to move the application into production, but how do we go about getting this application approved for production?

How do we link what we did in the developer account to the production account?

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

You need to create a production developer account and re-create your app in the production environment. You then need to submit your production developer account for approval (~10 days) and then submit your production app for approval (4-6 weeks+). (see all subsections)

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brunopalozzi avatar image brunopalozzi commented ·

I have a production login (which is separate from my developer account). Where can I create a production developer account? I don't see any options.

Also, it does not seem reasonable to me that it takes 8 weeks to be able to get approval so that we can start accepting payments on our ecommerce site using an iframe. This simply does not seem reasonable as every other payment gateway allows you to go into production almost instantly after you have everything working in staging.

This iframe implementation is for use only on out site and should not be publically available to others. Can this be accomplished (and sooner than 6-8 weeks)?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ brunopalozzi commented ·

Are you a Clover merchant or building an integration for a single Clover merchant? If so, you can use merchant tokens and do not need an app in our App Market.

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brunopalozzi avatar image
brunopalozzi answered David Marginian commented

We are integrating hosted iframe for a single merchant. We are able to use the merchant token to initialize the payment iframe. But to create a charge we need the OAuth access token, can we get this using the merchant app id ?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

An iFrame merchant token will have a public and private key. The public key is the PAKMS token and used to initialize the iframe and the private token is used to make the payment API calls.

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brunopalozzi avatar image brunopalozzi David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

This is what I managed to get so far:

1. I use the public key as the PAKMS and can get the iframe initialized without issue.

2. The test credit card works and I get the token for the tokenized card

3. I use the private key to charge the card, and I get a 401 unauthorized error.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ brunopalozzi commented ·

For 3, are you making the call from your server? What environment, in a moderator's only post can you provide the merchant id?

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